I come to this place often to take pictures and explore the changing pattern of decay and graffiti over time. This is an active location year round. When things get too cold outside writers hit the walls up during the winter. In fact, all throughout the year writers paint in the factory. You can always find something new on the walls when you visit. Since its abandonment some time ago (even this I am not sure of) this building has become an important part of the TA Wall area and a popular spot to paint. Although I have many, many pics from over the last few years of the factory, I've got my latest shots from the 21st of October posted here when I was last checking up on the TA Wall area.
I've got more in the vault that I'll post sometime soon, but for now enjoy these.
This first pan shot is of the ground floor area farthest from the wall. Again, not the best pan shot put togehter (I'm learning...slowly) but it shows the extent of the hollowing out of thisplace. I remember when I first used to come in this place and it still had the solid cement flooring, none of this mucky dirt.